Rabu, 12 Desember 2012
You'll get karma if you fuck up a hand can not keep quiet and not disturb the silence of friends who've had one or insulted him when he could not feel great and strong or you remember that there is still not perfect thank god you should not even so much less been in give the matter much remember you are still not perfect at all
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
Minggu, 16 September 2012
Klasifikasi Virus
D.Dasar Klasifikasi Virus
Menurut Lwoff, dkk (1966) dalam Syahrurachman, dkk (1994) dalam klasifikasi virus digunakan kriteria sebagai berikut:
1.Jenis asam nukleat, RNA atau DNA
2.Simetri kapsid
3.Ada – tidaknya selubung
4.Banyaknya kapsomer untuk virus ikosahedral atau diameter nukleokapsid untuk virus helikoidal
Menurut Lwoff, dkk (1966) dalam Syahrurachman, dkk (1994) dalam klasifikasi virus digunakan kriteria sebagai berikut:
1.Jenis asam nukleat, RNA atau DNA
2.Simetri kapsid
3.Ada – tidaknya selubung
4.Banyaknya kapsomer untuk virus ikosahedral atau diameter nukleokapsid untuk virus helikoidal
Identifikasi Virus
Indikator Ketuntasan Belajar adalah siswa mampu:
1.Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri virus
2.Membedakan struktur virus dengan makhluk hidup lainnya
3.Membuat model virus 3D
4.Menjelaskan cara replikasi virus
5.Mengidentifikasi virus yang berbahaya dan merugikan
6.Menjelaskan peranan virus yang menguntungkan dan merugikan
7.Mengkomunikasikan cara menghindari diri dari bahaya virus seperti influenza, AIDS, flu burung dan lain-lainnya
2.Membedakan struktur virus dengan makhluk hidup lainnya
3.Membuat model virus 3D
4.Menjelaskan cara replikasi virus
5.Mengidentifikasi virus yang berbahaya dan merugikan
6.Menjelaskan peranan virus yang menguntungkan dan merugikan
7.Mengkomunikasikan cara menghindari diri dari bahaya virus seperti influenza, AIDS, flu burung dan lain-lainnya
Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012
I hope !
I do not want to waste time in vain is now time for me to be diligent child who did not want me lazy I did my best so I'll catch up with my friends even though I only had the ability by now but I'll prove I can
also boasts two parents who love me I do not want to disappoint
I love them both I'll prove it to both of them I could I still have the ability to help because God must love the same God's servant, an opportunity might not no turning back I can definitely
This is now my pace so I'm starting a better person than before I'm not drowning in ignorance I want I want to be smart I'm sure if we want to try for sure there is a way I do not own God helped me in every step and I pray that I am successful and happy future
Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012
Happy Birthday Hyung Yesung
Happy birthday to my idol in the land of healthy longevity ginseng may god always bless you always Jesus may become more mature longer care about fans in Indonesia who are always waiting for your arrival
May also give health to undergo solid activity and not easily hurt
and do not forget the fans they love you Baby clouds idol Yesung be good for your career they always support you and always pray the best for you
I love land korea
Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012
Happy Eid Day
Happy holidays in the Muslim fasting survivors who had won victory after a long day of fasting for a month against the passions of hunger and thirst we now Greetings goods once I have the wrong please forgive Prayoga family in the inner and outer apologize <3
Senin, 06 Agustus 2012
They are all these new friends I had them too good and fun people I love them all a part of my heart
They are all these new friends I had them too good and fun people I love them all a part of my heart they are true friends I can not forget it may be good memories with them is essential !
Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012
I'm happy to have a new family in class !
I'm glad now I have a new family in the tenth grade school two fun and exciting new friends over a new leaf new spirit I love them all and also their new homeroom teacher at the school I was the family I love them all the same I thank God they can make me smile I want to be a compact width as all privileged classmates I ({}) !
Month Ramadhan
In the month of Ramadan is a month full of grace, I get a lot of lessons certainly not angry patient abstinence while eating and drinking should be limited to keep the spirit of energy through the day and of course learn the prayer should be that if the class should learn the spirit of the fasting state, although in this
Selasa, 17 Juli 2012
About Tantya L . F
I know Tantya recently I think he's a really good person to chat with hilarious fun at Tantya know that although the new friends with the person who wrote it not choose friends who I love more than her son creatively clever I just know he's right I'm grade 9 grade is now 10 but I Tantya pengenya a different school
school with him when he was a school deh-sharing would be nice to him so he is really her son hanging
Although only know at Tantya I already know that people have not absorbed so annoying I know from my neighbor happened to her class I Junior high school 2 Banyuwangi also called Sheny he also ngefans same multitalend Tantya it can really cool dance at her picture I've still not tough but I'm definitely sure nice!
Blom But I never met him when I met had never met when Tantya be fun if ya see him haha lahhh definitely fun person but if the photo was so even though his picture something really funny but so
school with him when he was a school deh-sharing would be nice to him so he is really her son hanging
Although only know at Tantya I already know that people have not absorbed so annoying I know from my neighbor happened to her class I Junior high school 2 Banyuwangi also called Sheny he also ngefans same multitalend Tantya it can really cool dance at her picture I've still not tough but I'm definitely sure nice!
Blom But I never met him when I met had never met when Tantya be fun if ya see him haha lahhh definitely fun person but if the photo was so even though his picture something really funny but so
Selasa, 26 Juni 2012
Tentang Blink
Pertama gue tau Blink salah satu personil Blink ada yang dari Idola cilik dan yang lain ada yang gak dari Idola cilik setau gue mereka semua punya bakat masing-masing gue lebih suka sama Ashilla Blink Sivia Ify gak cuma itu gue juga tau semua hebat punya kemampuan masing-masing dan gue yakin mereka semua bisa sukses dan merambah dunia nanyi sama akting
About Blink
I really like the girlband named Indonesia consists of Blink their young children are talented in the acting world singer i number of personnel that they have five wonderful girl who was tireless and entertaining his fans
their famous twitter account to follow the many hundreds that although five of them taking the time to reply or follow back I really admire because they're pretty smart and clever great sembangat personnel continue although sometimes there is confusion, but they tried to pass from their troubled love problems are best friendsthey all use the iPhone and there are communication tools that use their blackberry is a friend of a compact and mutual affection for each other and their fans think they are like family
their famous twitter account to follow the many hundreds that although five of them taking the time to reply or follow back I really admire because they're pretty smart and clever great sembangat personnel continue although sometimes there is confusion, but they tried to pass from their troubled love problems are best friendsthey all use the iPhone and there are communication tools that use their blackberry is a friend of a compact and mutual affection for each other and their fans think they are like family
Senin, 25 Juni 2012
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
Be better
Now I will not change either the nature or behavior and the way I think this school I hope I can be the better dar previous good self and so children are more obedient to the faith and these parents now want me to change and willing to fight god help me that in any given ease in everything I believe god always protects me wherever they may be amen
Yesterday just to see my friends but now separated all the schools themselves have found it successful for you guys who've keterima in high school do not make your parents proud of their sad Be a diligent good at learning continue grasping the ideals of the skies you remember your best friend do not forget your friends school teachers and citizens of all I love all
Kamis, 10 Mei 2012
Kamis, 12 April 2012
Minggu, 25 Maret 2012
This is my goal now
I really liked the world of photography I want to learn as brothers and sisters who can style and give effects according to the location I want eblajar like my hobby because it is so now I want to also have a SLR camera like a brother I would also like bleak it may just bought my wish came true in SLR cameras amen
and now my goal to be the photographer wanted me now like it was not the thought I love this hobby and want to photograph them as brothers and sisters take pictures with different styles of displaying the beauty of their pictures I would like to develop my goals .
and now my goal to be the photographer wanted me now like it was not the thought I love this hobby and want to photograph them as brothers and sisters take pictures with different styles of displaying the beauty of their pictures I would like to develop my goals .
Minggu, 11 Maret 2012
my interest
interest I want to be a successful and happy my parents that I hold dear may god grant my prayer amen I want to be like my brother, who was working that day I wanted to like the happy parents of my grandmother as well as my brother I wanted to succeed
I hope the future O:)
My hope is that I wanted to get in high school favorites as I wanted I wanted my parents proud too bad for them and I want to make them both happy so graciously my prayers god I want to make them happy amen
and after that I was going to college university din that I aspire amen pray for my friends without you all yoga is nothing just a regular kid yoga yoga yoga dear friend as a friend
and after that I was going to college university din that I aspire amen pray for my friends without you all yoga is nothing just a regular kid yoga yoga yoga dear friend as a friend
This article tells me I am my own biography here
I will write in my article about my bio-data of the first I introduce my name: Prayoga Avrian Wardana
My class: 9 Junior
I do go to school: junior 4 Banyuwangi
My hobby: Swimming. playing badminton. basketball in particular that I like I also want to be like his older brother was a good mainya my sport hobby
if another hobby: reading the book I would love the book for my Indonesian literary dramas there a source of inspiration made me a creative person I learned a lot there so many of the articles I thank you hopefully love to see what's on my congratulations to visit the blogger
My class: 9 Junior
I do go to school: junior 4 Banyuwangi
My hobby: Swimming. playing badminton. basketball in particular that I like I also want to be like his older brother was a good mainya my sport hobby
if another hobby: reading the book I would love the book for my Indonesian literary dramas there a source of inspiration made me a creative person I learned a lot there so many of the articles I thank you hopefully love to see what's on my congratulations to visit the blogger
About me !
I most like shopping at the mall continued to eat and drink in there
pants clothes fragrance accessories watches eye glasses and the shoes
are cool I like that model now and not forget to bring my laptop
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